Week 9 Audio Breakdown:
- A New Path Book Club reflections
- Dealing with the grief of awareness
- Daniel shares on his recent trip to the Florida Keys
- Daniel and Arthur answers your questions on:
- Personal hygiene practices
- Iodine and salt
- Favorite types of alcohol
- Pricing products and services that you are selling
- Navigating relationships
- Impacts of rewilding on future generations
- Intelligence and ancestral living
- Discussing the elephants in the room
- 11 Signs of Grief
- The Seven Fires Prophecy
- The gifts of hunter gatherers
- Conservation through use
- Submerging into the wild mindset
- Gauging our progress
Week 9 Resources:
- Living Libations
- US and World population clock
- Derrick Jensen
- Jared Diamond
- WikiLeaks Releases Trove of Alleged C.I.A. Hacking Documents
- The Way of Men by Jack Donovan
- Michael Douglas
- Evening Primrose
- Vibram FiveFingers
Week 8 Audio Breakdown:
- Daniel and Arthur answer your questions on:
- Technology and children
- Leaving planet earth
- Entheogen use
- Navigating feelings of anxiety, disgust, superiority, guilt, etc. after reading chapter on awareness
- Gender roles and patriarchy
- Inclusivity vs exclusivity in ReWilding
- Sustainability defined
- Green purchasing guidelines
- The truth about recycling
- Clothing
- The largest crop in the United States
- Primitive technologies
- Becoming a steward of fire
- Building shelter vs assembling shelter
- Containers and cooking vessels from the landscape
- Binding the world together
- Foraging
- Hunting and perfect form
- Clothing from skin
- Essential skills for Northeastern wild living
- NeAaboriginal strategy for engaging in primitive technologies
Week 8 Resources:
- Derrick Jensen
- Miles Olsen
- Unlearn, Rewild: Earth Skills, Ideas and Inspiration for the Future Primitive by Miles Olsen
- Movement Matters by Katy Bowman
- VICE documentary on human sewage in NYC "You Don't Know Shit"
- Lierre Keith
- Gustav Mahler
- Catching Fire: How Cooking Made Us Human by Richard Wrangham
Important “Print Elders” on the topic of fire:
- Primitive Technology: A Book of Earth Skills, chapter 2, edited by David Wescott (1999, Gibbs Smith Publisher)
- Naked into the Wilderness: Primitive Wilderness & Survival Skills, chapter 2, by John and Geri McPherson (1993, Prairie Wolf)
Important “Print Elders” on the topic of shelters:
- Wigwam: Building the Traditional Northeastern Domed Shelter by Jeffrey Gottlieb, (2007, selfpublished)
- Primitive Technology: A Book of Earth Skills, section 1, edited by David Wescott (1999, Gibbs Smith Publisher)
- Survival Skills of Native California, part 1, by Paul Campbell (1999, Gibbs Smith Publisher)
Important “Print Elders” on the topics of baskets, buckets, and pots:
- Baskets from Nature’s Bounty by Elizabeth Jensen (1991, Interweave Press)
- Handmade Baskets From Nature’s Colourful Materials by Susie Vaughan (1994, Search Press)
- Primitive Pottery by Hal Riegger (2001, Gentle Breeze Publishing)
- How to Make Primitive Pottery by Evard Gibby (1994, Eagle’s View Publishing)
- Primitive Technology II: Ancestral Skills, section 3 of this work, edited by David Wescott (2001, Gibbs Smith Publisher)
- Naked into the Wilderness: Primitive Wilderness & Survival Skills, chapters 7 and 8, by John and Geri McPherson (1993, Prairie Wolf)
Important “Print Elders” on the topic of cordage:
- Primitive Technology: A Book of Earth Skills, section 4, edited by David Wescott (1999, Gibbs Smith Publisher)
- Naked into the Wilderness: Primitive Wilderness & Survival Skills, chapter 2, by John and Geri McPherson (1993, Prairie Wolf)
Important “Print Elders” on the topic of foraging:
- Ancestral Plants volume 1: A Primitive Skills Guide to Important Edible, Medicinal, and Useful Plants of the Northeast by Arthur Haines (2010, Anaskimin)
- Ancestral Plants volume 2: A Primitive Skills Guide to Important Edible, Medicinal, and Useful Plants of the Northeast by Arthur Haines (2015, Anaskimin)
- The Forager’s Harvest: A Guide to Identifying, Harvesting, and Preparing Edible Wild Plants by Sam Thayer (2006, Forager’s Harvest) Nature’s Garden: A Guide to Identifying, Harvesting, and Preparing Edible Wild Plants by Sam Thayer (2010, Forager’s Harvest)
- Foraging California: Finding, Identifying, and Preparing Edible Wild Foods in California by Christopher Nyerges (2014, Morris Book Publishing, LLC)
Important “Print Elders” on the topic of hunting weapons and stone tools:
- Bows and Arrows of the Native Americans: A Complete Step-by-Step Guide to Wooden Bows, Sinew-backed Bows, Composite Bows, Strings, Arrows & Quivers by Jim Hamm (1989, The Lyons Press)
- The Art of Making Primitive Bows and Arrows by D.C. Waldorf (1999, Mound Builder Books)
- The Traditional Bowyer’s Bible, volume 1, by Steve Allely et al. (2000, the Lyons Press—there are four total volumes to this series)
- The Atlatl: Primitve Weapon of the Stone Age by Kris Tuomala (2000, Walking on Old Ground)
- The Art of Flint Knapping by D.C. Waldorf (1993, Mound Builder Books)
- Naked into the Wilderness: Primitive Wilderness & Survival Skills, chapters 3, 4, and 9, by John and Geri McPherson (1993, Prairie Wolf) The Universal Tool Kit: Out of Africa to Native California by Paul Campbell (2013, Sunbelt Publications)
Important “Print Elders” on the topic of clothing:
Week 7 Audio Breakdown:
- Maple tapping
- Daniel and Arthur answer your questions on:
- Dry brushing to activate the lymphatic system
- Rewilding your feet
- Research best practices: finding quality studies and vetting information
- Thermoregulation in babies/toddlers
- Navigating an intense black fly season
- Creating trails on land
- Mate selection and inbreeding in hunter gatherer groups
- Change in motivations to rewild over the years
- Entheogenic influence
- Striking decent balance between the benefits of both the fragilis system and the feral human
- Experiencing real community
- Community defined
- Benefits of engaging in community
- Survival of those with the most cooperative connections
- Gender equality
- The need for ceremony
- The loss of the elder and rise of the younger
- Finding your gift
- Moving closer to real community in your life
Week 7 Resources:
Week 6 Audio Breakdown:
- Eating predators
- On Gender
- Daniel and Arthur answer your questions on:
- Scarcity of foraging food sources
- Storytelling
- Best times of day to eat
- Getting quality sleep when you work night shifts
- Raising sovereign children
- Menstruation in hunter-gatherers
- Optimizing your water strategy when there is no spring close by
- Walking barefoot in winter
- Paleo, carbs and ketosis
- Moving lymph fluids
- Persistence hunting
- Sedentary lifestyle
- The issues with going to the gym
- Modern footwear and atrophy
- Movement variety
- Expanding comfort zones
- Adapting to temperature changes
- Getting outside in inclement weather
- Phytochemical hormesis
- The value of calorie restriction
- Strengthening through hormesis
Week 6 Resources:
- Professional Spearfisher Kimi Werner
- Persistence hunting video
- ReWild Yourself Podcast: Why We Were Born To Walk - James Earls #43
- Erwan Le Corre - MovNat
- Daniel's sister Chloe on Instagram @whollychloe
- ReWild Yourself Podcast: Heat Comes From Within! Mastering Cold - Wim Hof, "The Iceman" #67
- Bitter taste, phytonutrients, and the consumer: a review
- The Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi
Week 4 Audio Breakdown:
- Daniel and Arthur answer your questions on:
- Thoughts on Dr. Gerald Pollack’s Exclusion Zone Water
- Microwaves and driving to get spring water vs. filtered tap water
- Thoughts on the role of permaculture in ReWilding
- How essential oils fit into the plant medicine picture
- How hunter gatherers discovered plant medicine
- Effects of sauna use on our body’s natural oils
- Practical tips to find local places to forage wild foods
- Sensory competent adults
- Water Hemlock and Wild Carrot
- Tracking
- Bird language
- The 7 truths of domestication
- The 7 points of awareness
- Benefits of nature immersion
- Indigenous sleep practices
- Earthing
- Spiritual awakening
- NeoAboriginal strategies for being wild and connecting with nature
Week 4 Resources:
- ReWild Yourself Podcast: The Fourth Phase of Water - Dr. Gerald Pollack #45
- Tom Brown Jr.
- Arthur’s classes
- Tom Brown's Field Guide to Nature Observation and Tracking by Tom Brown
- Tom Brown's Science and Art of Tracking: Nature's Path to Spiritual Discovery by Tom Brown
- Pressure Releases and Pressure Release Systems, Part I by Tom Brown Jr.
- Jon Young
- What the Robin Knows: How Birds Reveal the Secrets of the Natural World by Jon Young
- Peterson’s Field Guides to Birds
- National Geographic Field Guide to the Birds of North America, Sixth Edition
- Sibley Guides to Birds
- Stokes Field Guide to Birds
- At the Caribou Crossing Place
- Daniel and Arthur answer your questions on:
- Ancestral cooking practices
- Ancestral fasting practices
- Bitterness in foods
- Thoughts on vaccinations
- Children and Lyme ticks
- On the topic of gender in ReWIlding
- Local waterways
- Thinking of rivers as a long person
- Fluoride and chlorine in tap water
- Potential issues with well water
- Wild water at the source
- The true role of medicine
- Modern resistance to herbal medicine
- Cancer
- Plant and fungal allies
- Entheogen’s
- What’s coming up next in the A New Path Book Club
- ReWild Yourself Podcast: Zombie Ticks and the Lyme Wars - Stephen Harrod Buhner #73
- Arthur Haines on Walking the (Medicine) Talk
- Stephen Buhner's website on Healing Lyme
- Stephen Buhner's Lyme Protocol
- Doxycycline
- Robin Blankenship of Earth Knack (Earth Knack is one of our partners, offering a discount to A New Path Book Club members! Check out the discount here.)
- Androscoggin River
- How Your Drinking Water May Be Damaging Your Brain
- Fluoride Action Network
- The Fluoride Deception exposes the truth about water fluoridation and the phosphate mining industry
- Edward Bernays
- Pineal gland in old age; quantitative and qualitative morphological study of 168 human autopsy cases
- The Big Berkey Water Filter
- FindASpring
- Psilocybin Research at John Hopkins: A 2014 Report
Week 2 Audio Breakdown:
- Thoughts on virtual community
- Daniel and Arthur answer your questions on:
- Wage slavery
- Why we became domesticated
- Our ancestral epigenetic debt
- Thermoregulation strategies for people with Raynauds disease
- Thoughts on Weston Price
- Inter-generational health
- Veganism is a religion
- Gene expression
- The intimacy of eating other life forms
- Teaching kids about where their food comes from
- Eating from a nutrient perspective vs. eating from a landscape perspective
- Traits of hunter gatherer diets
- Cultivated plants persisting in the wild
- Are grains bad?
- The truth about cholesterol
- Conscientious sunlight exposure
- 10 Practices to Restructure Your Diet
Week 2 Resources:
- Weston Price
- Captain Fantastic
- Inupiat
- The Inuit Paradox
- An Ojibwe/Metis Account of Maple Sugaring
- Eating on the Wild Side: The Missing Link to Optimum Health by Jo Robinson
- ReWild Yourself Podcast: How To Feed Your Human, Part 1 - Arthur Haines #76
- ReWild Yourself Podcast: How To Feed Your Human, Part 2 - Arthur Haines #77
- ReWild Yourself Podcast: How To Feed Your Human, Part 3 - Arthur Haines #78
- ReWild Yourself Podcast: Why I'm Not a Vegan - Daniel Vitalis #94
- ReWild Yourself Podcast: Why I’m a Conscientious Omnivore - Daniel Vitalis & Arthur Haines #100
Week 1 Audio Breakdown:
- Overall tone of A New Path
- ReWilding is a trajectory
- The current situation — awareness and selfishness
- The grief of awareness
- Specialization vs. generalization
- Multi-generational thinking
- Characteristics of domestication
- Nature divorcement
- Eco-centric vs ego-centric
- Which path will you choose?
- The relevance of indigenous lifeways
- Longevity and modern life expectancy
- The taboo topic of child mortality
- Skeletal structure and physical fitness
- Building a new path
- What to expect going forward in the A New Path Book Club
Week 1 Resources:
- How many Earths do we need?
- Richard Louvre
- Passamaquoddy
- Mound builders
- Weston Price
- Nutrition and Physical Degeneration: A Comparison of Primitive and Modern Diets and Their Effects by Weston Price
- Human intelligence 'peaked thousands of years ago and we've been on an intellectual and emotional decline ever since'
- Stature and robusticity during the agricultural transition: Evidence from the bioarchaeological record
- Hunter-gatherer past shows our fragile bones result from inactivity since invention of farming
- From athletes to couch potatoes: humans through 6,000 years of farming
- The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race
- ReWild Yourself Podcast: Why We Need Community - Arthur Haines #88
- ReWild Yourself Podcast: The Death of Domestication & the Birth of the New Aboriginal - Arthur Haines #39
- ReWild Yourself Podcast: Dying Wise in a Death Phobic Society - Stephen Jenkinson #34