Meet the Life Stylist, Part 1 - Luke Storey #64

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In this week's podcast, my good friend Luke Storey joins me for an intimate, peer to peer conversation on setting up a holistic strategy for lifestyle design. Luke has spent the past 18 years developing and refining a robust way of life based on the principles of nature and spirituality, while embracing technology and modern convenience. 

Luke and I apply many of the same lifestyle principles to our very different lives, and in this rap session, we have an awesome time discussing our personal strategies and adaptations to modern life. We break it all down for you using a four elemental structure: Earth, Air, Water, Fire.

We cover a ton of valuable, actionable information here, and so we’ve split up this episode into two parts. In part one, we get into our strategies on diet, water, air and sunlight. Stay tuned for part two (coming out next week) for our discussion on movement, sleep and meditation!

Episode Breakdown:

  • Luke & Daniel’s history
  • How Luke got started on his health journey
  • Avoiding diet extremes — achieving a healthy relationship with your food
  • Luke’s home + travel spring water strategy
  • Navigating through air pollution
  • #NakedSunTime 

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Meet Luke

Luke Storey, former Hollywood Celebrity Stylist, has spent the past 18 years developing and refining a robust way of life based on the principles of nature and spirituality, while embracing technology and modern convenience.

Using himself as a human research lab, Luke has explored a broad and sometimes extreme variety of measures to obtain optimal health, performance, and well being. From being injected with poisonous frog venom, to enduring weeks of neurofeedback meditation in an isolation chamber, Luke has scoured the earth for the most cutting edge as well as ancient technologies, and used them to transform his life, and the lives of countless others.

Luke is a Lifestylist, public speaker, and entrepreneur, who continues to share his strategies for health and happiness through his private and corporate coaching services.

Since 2008 Luke has also served as Founder and CEO at School of Style, the nations most prominent fashion school for stylists.

He and his work can be found online at, on Twitter at @mrlukestorey and on Instagram at @lukestorey